
There’s no place like Pequannock Township—in Morris County, or anywhere else! There is beauty everywhere, from our parks to our hiking trails to our tree-lined streets. We’re situated just 30 minutes from the mountains and skiing to the north, and 30 minutes from Manhattan to the east. And in town and nearby, we have a vast selection of casual and fine-dining restaurants to choose from, as well as excellent shops and services.
Best of all, Pequannock has an amazing community feel. It’s why so many people never leave....and why millennials and gen z-ers want to come back!
And now, Pequannock—and Pompton Plains—has its own magazine! Produced by Wainscot Media, a multi-generational and storied New Jersey-based publishing company, Pequannock & Pompton Plains magazine will cover the people, places, and events that make our town so unique!
Beginning in June 2023, Pequannock & Pompton Plains magazine will publish every month and be mailed to thousands of homes in the township. From brief pieces on the latest happenings and goings-on, to entertaining feature stories on local personalities and businesses, to spotlights on area shops and eateries, each issue will be packed with must-read news and noteworthy items. Pequannock & Pompton Plains magazine will be a “feel-good” magazine with a hyper-local focus, making it an irresistible read for town residents old and new.

To advertise or contribute content, contact: Donna Fillweber, Publisher, 973.886.9756 or
Donna.Fillweber@pequannockmagazine.com or fill out the form below